
Laerskool Bastion besit ‘n ryk rugbykultuur wat gepaard gaan met harde, hardloop rugby. Trots, respek en deursettingsvermoë is van die eienskappe wat ten toon gestel word op en vanaf die veld.Die sportkode spog met vier of meer spanne by die Mini-rugby asook twee of meer by die senior spanne en al hierdie spanne neem deel aan verskeie toernooie, ligawedstryde en toere. Die skool beskik oor twee volledige rugbyvelde en ‘n gesamentlike sportgrond vir Mini-rugby en Mini-hokkie. Die rugbyklubhuis word gebruik vir die onthaal van ander spanne by die A-rugbyveld.
Elke jaar word verskeie spanne geleentheid gebied om op toere te gaan wat landswyd bygewoon word. Selfs van die B-spanne kry die geleentheid om op toere te gaan. Die toere strek vanaf Riebeeck-kasteel tot by Konka, Rustenburg of Port Shepstone, Durban.
Ons besit ‘n afrigterskorps van uitstekende en toegewyde afrigters. Baie min skole kan spog met twaalf mans onderwysers wat as permanente afrigters dien. Rugby maak ook gebruik van buite afrigters wat opgelei is om met die seuns te werk en te bevorder en die skool bied ook klinieke vir die spelers aan om hulle vaardighede te verbeter.
Die skool spog elke jaar met spelers wat WP-kleure behaal. In 2018 het Laerskool Bastion vier WP o/12 rugbyspelers opgelewer sowel as een WP o/13 rugbyspeler wat ook die WP o/13 7’s-span verteenwoordig het. 2019 sal geen uitsondering wees met die oplewering van WP-spelers nie.
Laerskool Bastion se rugby is ‘n bekende naam onder alle skole in die Wes-Kaap, maar ook landswyd. In 2018 het die o/13A Rugbyspan 9de in die land geeindig. Die o/13A rugbyspan van 2019 maak klaar opskudding, nie net in die Wes-Kaap nie, maar in die hele Suid-Afrika. Die o/13A Rugbyspan het al verskeie toekennings en prestasies ingepalm, Konka Wenners 2019, wenner van al 3 wedstryde by Noord-Suidtoernooi asook wenner van al 4 wedstryde by Eikestadtoernooi waar baie sterk kompetisie deelneem.
Bastion Rugby is ‘n maatstaf vir baie en ‘n rugbyreus wat vrees in baie ander saai.
Bastion Primary has a rich rugby culture which is accompanied by hard, running rugby. Pride, respect and perseverance are some of the characteristics which are displayed both on and off the field.
The sporting code has four or more teams for Mini-rugby, as well as two or more senior teams. All of these teams take part in a variety of tournaments, league matches and tours. The school has two complete rugby fields and a shared field for Mini-rugby and Mini-hockey. The rugby clubhouse is used to receive teams at the Rugby A field.
Every year a number of teams are given the opportunity to go on tours countrywide. Even B teams are offered the opportunity to tour. The tours stretch from Riebeeck-Kasteel to Konka, Rustenburg or Port Shepstone, Durban.
We have a coaching staff of excellent, dedicated coaches. Very few schools can boast with twelve male teachers who act as permanent rugby coaches. Rugby also uses external coaches who are trained to work with the boys and to promote them. The school also offers clinics for the players in order to improve their skills.
Every year the school boasts with players who obtain WP colours. In 2018, Bastion Primary produced four WP u/12 rugby players, as well as one WP u/13 rugby player who also represented WP in the u/13 7s team. 2019 will be no exception.
Bastion Primary School’s rugby is well-known among all schools in the Western Cape, but also countrywide. In 2018, the u/13A rugby team finished 9th in the country. The u/13A rugby team of 2019 is already making waves, not only in the Western Cape, but also in the whole of South Africa. The u/13A rugby team has obtained various awards and achievements. They are Konka winners in 2019, winner of all three their matches at the North-South tournament, as well as winner of all four matches at the Eikestad tournament where very strong competition takes part.
Bastion rugby is a yardstick for many and a rugby giant which sows fear into others.