Boogskiet is al die afgelope 14 jaar deel van Bastion se buite-kurrikulêre aktiwiteite. Our sport has been gaining more popularity over the last few years and interest and participation increases annually.
Once a year, a National-level event is hosted in one of the participating provinces. Ons stuur elke jaar ‘n span na die SA-Nasionale byeenkoms en vaar uiters goed. Alle provinsies word verteenwoordig en daar is sterk kompetisie.
Our archers have achieved numerous awards at various events ranging from interschools competitions, to international Skype competitions and of course, the Nationals event. Bastion het al gespog met landwye posisies van vierde, derde en tweede plek vir laerskool spanne. Some of our archers have even won gold in their various grade categories at these National level events. At interschool level, Bastion’s Archery team was undefeated in the 2019 season.
Every year Bastion brags with numerous members in the NASP Western Cape team, and Bastion archers often fill half the team of sixteen.
Boogskiet is ‘n sport wat fokus, self-motivering en respek by leerders kweek. Bastion is baie trots op sy boogskietspan en alles wat hulle tot dusver vermag het en sien uit na die uitdagings wat voorlê.